Success Stories
1. IEEE Grant Wining
The department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering won a IEEE funding after evaluating the proposal. The details of funding are as under:
Name of Project: Solar Vitalize: Empowering Education & Wellbeing with Renewable Energy in the rural area (Project Code: 24-T4G1-039)
Faculty involved: ml. Wasim Munir & Engr. Tooba Khan
Funding Agency: IEEE
Funding Amount: $ 6,690.00
Project Date: 11 June 2024 – 11 Dec 2024
2. Erasmus Plus
Project Title: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-2 — Capacity building in the field of higher education Strand (Project number 101129077 — BIOMED5.0)
Type of action: ERASMUS Lump Sum Grants
Requested grant amount (proposal): 799,688.00 EUR
Maximum grant amount (after evaluation): 799,688.00 EUR
Project duration: 36 months
3. IEEE Region 10 Robotics competition 3rd Prize
Third Prize- $250
Team Name: Trirobs
Section: IEEE Karachi Section
Team Members (Department of Biomedical Engineering):
- Mirza Areeb Baig
- Syeda Fakhra Jalal
- Zarish Majid Shaikh
4. Techno fest, Pakistan
Third Prize of Rs. 70,000/-
Team Member:
Aimen Saifullah Rao (Department of Biosciences)