Engr. Muhammad Shaheer Mirza





Artificial Intelligence


M.S. (Biomedical Engineering), Ziauddin University



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    Engr. Shaheer, life member of Pakistan Engineering Council, is a multi-skilled professional with good supervisory and scientific expertise with a proven ability to work dynamically on the versatile field of biomedical engineering. He has field experience of more than 2 years and teaching and research experience of more than 4 years. He is a committed team player, motivated with the ability to communicate at all levels. His main interests include computer vision, image/video processing, sign language recognition and machine learning techniques and their implementation in healthcare industry.

    Research Interest

    • Artificial Intelligence

    • Biomedical Signal & Image Processing

    • Medical Imaging

    • Biomedical Instrumentation

    Selected Publications

    M. S. Mirza, S. M. Munaf. A Vision-Based Pakistani Sign Language Recognition System Using Machine Learning. 4th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Management and Sciences, (ICETEMS-2021) Peshawar, Pakistan, October 13-14, 2021.

    M. S. Mirza, S. M. Munaf, S. Ali, M. Asif. Static Pakistani Sign Language Classification using Support Vector Machine. Sir Syed University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology, Volume 12, Issue 2, 2022.

    Email Engr. Muhammad Shaheer Mirza

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